
The king of Snake King Cobra

The king of Snake King Cobra

The hamadryad is Associate in Nursing elapid snake found preponderantly in forests from India through geographic area. 

King Cobra

This species is that the world's longest venomous snake, with a length up to eighteen.5 to 18.8 ft , snake isn't a member of the reptile genus genus , that contains most elapid species, however the only member of its own genus.

see this video King cobra snake dangers attack   

 It preys mainly on alternative snakes and sometimes on another vertebrates, like lizards and rodents. The hamadryad may be a dangerous snake that incorporates a dreaded name in its vary, though it generally avoids confrontation with humans once doable.

King Cobra

 The hamadryad is additionally culturally vital, with several legends and associations with Hindu gods around it in some Indian cultures.
